Why Your Customers Heart Infographics

November 6, 2013 Cassie Roberson

Information has always been a powerful instrument to engage the human mind. Facts, figures, and expert analysis have a great power of persuasion. By letting audience know and see what you want them to see, you get an ability to influence their beliefs and decision-making.

The challenge here is to find the most efficient way of presenting information to convince an audience.

In past few years, infographics have become became a popular data visualization tool. Information graphics (better known as “infographics”) visually represent complex data in an easy interactive way with the help of pictures, titles, charts, and other graphics. They are especially designed to grab viewer’s attention and quickly deliver information in an entertaining manner. If done properly, infographics can increase information retention much more than just simple text can.

Infographics may combine text, figures, different kinds of charts, illustrations, and other graphic elements, which help to present information favorably. That makes it a complex method of data representation and visualization. Due to a surge in popularity, infographics are getting more creative and outstanding, while performing the primary function of reaching audience minds and delivering necessary messages.

Along with the technology development, means of information transfer have also been constantly changing. As a result, that has changed habitual ways of obtaining information. There are several major factors influencing on the modern ways of the information perception process.

Let’s look at four ways that infographics meet the requirements of current data presentation standards.

1. Infographics make it easy to pick up only useful information

It is hard to believe, but since 2010 the amount of information in the world is believed to double every 11 hours. Every year, digital data storage space expands, and information-processing speed increases along with computer technology improvement. Today, the biggest problem is not how to get information but how to filter out unnecessary data.

Good-looking infographics make it easier for a viewer to pick up only useful information. A well-thought-out combination of font sizes, colors, and visual elements helps to concentrate audience attention on important facts first. As a result, people can quickly decide whether to skip this page or look further for the details.


(photo credit: GDS Infographics)

2. Infographics give information quickly

People tend not to read pages of text if they find the title and the first paragraph too boring. A reader wants to extract as much useful information as possible in as little time as possible. That’s why long detailed articles are getting not so efficient anymore when your goal is to reach and convince an audience.

When you share data structured with the help of interactive graphic, it takes viewers only a moment to get the main idea. The audience is able to see the big picture right away with a quick look at infographics.

(photo credit: Ivan Cash)

3. People like to watch, not to read

You might have heard of another interesting fact about information perception: Visualized data is absorbed faster than any other type of information. Numerous studies prove that more than 60% of population are visual learners. That means most people learn better through pictures and other visual elements. Maybe you have even noticed that pictures, animation, and video are effortless to pick up with our eyes (compared with text in books, for example).

The key to find the best way of getting audience involved is to use well-crafted data visualization. If you have little experience in graphic design, you can create good-looking infographics with software, such as EWC Presenter. It helps a user without any design background make stylish infographics by just drag-and-dropping using prebuilt templates.

4. Statistics have a magical effect

Any conclusions and ideas not supported by imposing statistics seem to be just hot air. To appear as an expert by your readers, you have to provide facts confirmed with figures.

A tip for convincing people is to use comparison and obvious advantages of a promoted idea or product. The focus here is to achieve a wow effect that works as a magnet for you audience. People would more easily believe figures than words, so use statistics in your infographic.
Everyone wants to get amazed or even shocked, so let’s give them what they need and crave. Surprise your audience with statistics. Do it even better using infographics to visualize the reality. Show the actual proportions, percentage, differences, and other facts with the help of graphic elements. And don’t be afraid to add a bit of humor or unusual design style.

(photo credit: flickr)

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